The Beast of Farley Mount

A violent predator never identified

Lolly True crime
8 min readMar 7, 2023

The “Farley Mount Rapist” is an unidentified English serial rapist who has committed at least 5 sex attacks at gunpoint on women in Winchester between 1991 and 1998 that we know of. This is Hampshire’s longest running unsolved serial rape investigation, codenamed Operation Kayak. He has now eluded capture for 30 years.

The dark, unknown perpetrator was nick-named by the press due to all of his violent attacks taking place around Farley Mount, a beauty spot with an unusual monument on a mound in the middle of the Hampshire countryside.

Farley Mount is a popular area with dog walkers and naturalists. After hours of darkness, it is now a popular ‘dogging’ site. In the 1990’s it was a popular area frequented by courting lovers and it was them that were subjected to horrendous attacks by the depraved individual, who to date has never been identified.

Unsuspecting lovers would park in the car park and be subjected to frighteningly vicious attacks by a maniac armed with a gun when they least expected it.

The evil perpetrator always struck at night under the cover of darkness, where he would target couples in cars on isolated, quiet country roads. He would begin the attacks by acting as if he intended to rob them at gunpoint, then having gained entry to a car he tied up his victims, and forced the male into the boot of the car.

He then proceeded to abduct the female in his S registered long wheel-based Land Rover drive them away and rape them before dumping them somewhere isolated.

There is no obvious preference in age groups targeted by the monster, just that he always attacked innocent courting couples. Most of them were most likely late teens to early 20s as that was the typical age for courting couples looking to enjoy some late-night passion and solitude in what they presumed to be dark isolated areas.

Artist's impression of the beast

The monster is described as:

5ft 8 to 6 feet tall, described as taller than average. He was aged between his late 20s to 30s, medium/stocky build with short, dark brown, wavy hair. He always wore either a black ski mask or a balaclava with his hood up. He was also described as of scruffy appearance and wore either black or surgical gloves. No obvious accent was ever identified.

He had a blue/grey shoulder bag or cream satchel which contained black quarter-inch plastic ties and two-inch wide, silver masking tape along with a black Maglite torch

During the sexual attacks, he always wore a condom and always reassured victims that he just intended to rob them before launching a vile attack on the female.

Victims of the Farley Mount Rapist

Attack 1 took place on 25th January 1991

A couple, both aged 23 years old were in their car at Beech Clump car park when a masked attacker with a handgun pulled the passenger door open demanding cash.

He proceeded to tie them up using a seatbelt and plastic garden ties. He put plastic bags over both of their heads before launching a vile sexual assault on the female. When his attack was over, the victims say that their attacker removed the plastic bags from their heads and calmly strolled off into the night.

Attack 2 took place on 3rd November 1992

10 months later, a 20-year-old female and her 23-year-old married boyfriend were cuddling in a Renault in Spindle Trees car park at 10:30 pm.

They were subjected to an attack where a torch was suddenly shone through the window before the door was pulled open and a hooded man in a black ski mask with a handgun demanded money.

The couple were both forced to kneel in the back seat of their car. The 23-year-old male was tied up and forced to get into the boot of the car. His 20-year-old girlfriend was stripped from the waist down, and had masking tape wrapped around her head “like a mummy”.

The attacker carried her to his ‘Land Rover-type car, where she was assaulted and then driven around country lanes for around 45 minutes before stopping his vehicle at an empty building.

She was then carried up two flights of stairs just inside the front door of the building and taken to a room upstairs with a single bed where he then raped her twice. Whilst being raped, she recalled hearing a refrigeration unit running but couldn’t be sure whether it was in or near the building.

He then tied her up again, and took her to his vehicle, drove around for another 30 minutes before dumping her 10 miles away in a layby near the village of Cheriton.

After the monster drove off the victim managed to bang on the door of a nearby house just before 1 am and begged the 40-year-old male householder, Jim McNab for help. Jim McNab said, “the female was standing on my doorstep in a terrible state”. The boyfriend was found by police still tied up in the boot of the car.

Attack 3 on 29th November 1994

Slightly over 2 years later, a couple was in Forest View car park, when their attack started. A man knocked on their car window waving a gun and demanding money. They gave him money through a crack in the window but then he told them to open their door. The attacker snatched their car keys and the boyfriend made a rapid movement to get out of the car. The attacker fled to his vehicle and raced away.

Attack 4 happened on 22nd April 1996

17 months later two teenagers, a female aged 16 and a male aged 18, presumed to be a couple, were in Hawthorn’s car park when the attacker struck.

He was described as wearing a balaclava and had his hood pulled up over his head. He flung the car door open and shoved a gun in their faces, demanding cash.

The couple were then tied up with the female’s handbag put over the male’s head. The female was taped around the head with masking tape and marched to a nearby vehicle and driven out past Sparsholt where the attacker sexually assaulted her before dumping her by the road.

Detectives did question a 40-year-old man in regard to the attack but he was released without further action being taken.

Reports were made on 16th June 1996 of a man in the Thicket Bottom, Rowlands Castle area stripped to the waist and wearing camouflage trousers had been seen hanging around in the woods. He was never found.

Attack 5 came on 17th June 1996

A 16-year-old female was abducted and attacked whilst out for a walk with her 28-year-old boyfriend.

The attacker who was armed with a handgun and a long-bladed hunting knife passed the couple walking in the opposite direction. The attacker turned, produced his weapons and grabbed the female at gunpoint. He subjected her to a 60-minute ordeal in woods near Havant, Hampshire.

The boyfriend trailed them through the woods in the best way he could at a discreet distance but after losing sight of them he ran to a house near the woods at Thicket Bottom, Rowland’s Castle, Havant.

He was able to alert police that his girlfriend had been snatched whilst they were out for a walk and they immediately launched a search of the woodland area just north of Havant.

Armed officers searched the entire area with the assistance of a helicopter equipped with thermal imaging cameras and sniffer dogs. The young female was found in a distressed state still in the company of her attacker about an hour later. The attacker fled through the trees and managed to give the police the slip.

The female ran towards the police sobbing, it is not known if she was injured. This happened during the evening but it was still daylight. This case was considered to possibly be linked to the Farley Mount rapes.

Officers surrounded a house in Leigh Park, Havant at 3 am on the 19th of June, they raided the house and arrested a local man who was questioned at Havant police station. A police spokesperson said a gun and knife were found during a search of the house. He was later released with no further action.

Attack 6 came on 28th May 1998 — A failed attempt

A couple both aged 19 years old were in Spindle Trees car park between 10:30 pm and 11:22 pm, an attacker tried the door handle of their car. Before he could demand any cash from them, the male started the car engine and drive off, leaving the attacker standing alone.

Final possible attempted attack 2002

A man reported that he believed he and his girlfriend had been targeted by the beast at the beauty spot. He managed to scare the attacker and the attacker fled.

The intended victims heard the man drive off and decided to follow him. They witnessed him at the wheel of an S registration Series Three Land Rover with a canvas roof. A 40-year-old man was arrested later that year, but due to a lack of hard evidence, no prosecution was brought against him.

These seem to be the only recorded cases thought to be linked to the beast of Farley Mount. There were no further reported attacks, what happened to this dangerous individual? Judging by his description he would be around 60 years old now. Why did the attacks happen? More to the point how did they stop just as quickly?

I would like to dig deeper into this investigation, there has to be more to it. Where did the man get the weapons? What happened to the vehicle? Quite an unusual vehicle to be running around Hampshire, was it maybe used by a farm or country house gardener?

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Lolly True crime
Lolly True crime

Written by Lolly True crime

Lolly’s True Crime World cold case review specialists, researchers, and Unsolved crime investigation is our passion. Buy me a coffee

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